Terror attack in Tel Aviv maag_gneesj 5 months ago At least 3 people have been shot to death in a terror attack in Tel Aviv.Several other people have been hospitalized for gun shot wounds. https://www.maag.news/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/terror-attack-in-tel-aviv.mp4 More and more videos are coming out of Tel Aviv where an attack by terrorist has claimed the lives of at least 3 people. https://www.maag.news/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/terror-attack-Tel-Aviv-1.mp4 Channel 14 claims 4 terrorists are behind the terror attack in Tel Aviv in which at least 3 people have been shot to death. One Terrorist Eliminated, The event is still ongoing. https://www.maag.news/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/terror-attack-Tel-Aviv-3.mp4